Last known location: London, England

Posts Tagged ‘Andes’


Over the Hills to Santiago

D: We’d had a great time in Argentina, but it was time to move on to Chile, and our next destination; Santiago. This involved a 6 hour journey (supposedly) across the Andes mountain range, via the route known as Paso Internacional Los Libertadores. We soon left the vineyards of Mendoza behind and we climbed gently into the mountains, passing a huge man made lake behind the Potrerillos dam and the isolated village of Uspallata as we got higher and higher. Click here to read more…


Mountains and Malbec

Our next stop was Mendoza; in the shadow of the Andes and right in the middle of Argentine wine country. After another day on the bus we arrived as the sun was setting over the mountains and checked into a decent hostel. We had yet another steak dinner (or I did at least!) and sampled the first of many bottles of the local wine – at less than £3 a bottle in a restaurant it was too good to turn down!

The followed day we took our time exploring the city, which is made up of wide avenues and green squares, all rebuilt after an earthquake in the 1860’s. Apparently the avenues were so that rubble didn’t fall on anyone next time there was a quake, and the squares were for people to evacuate in to – optimistic planning!

Our hostel had a roof terrace with a large Argentine barbeque, so I thought it was about time I tried to whip up an Asado myself. The traditional Asado begins with wood rather than charcoal, and takes some time to get going – starting at nearly 9pm wasn’t universally popular! However, we did eventually eat some sausages, chicken and steak. No-one was killed so I’d rate that as a success! Click here to read more…